Scholarship. Community. Diversity.
The Office of Scholar Programs houses WashU’s signature merit-based scholar programs. We provide a unique, enriching community for students where they can share, learn, challenge each other and exchange ideas.
More about what we do
Danforth Scholars Program
Recognizes students who demonstrate leadership in service, intellectual and creative acuity, a commitment to diversity and kindness. Scholars embody the values of Dr. William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth.

Ervin Scholars Program
Recognizes students who exemplify academic excellence, leadership, community service and a commitment to diversity. Scholars embody the values of Dr. John B. Ervin.

Rodriguez Scholars Program
Recognizes students who demonstrate academic and leadership achievements, service to the community and a commitment to bringing diverse groups together. Scholars embody the spirit and values of Annika Rodriguez.

McLeod Scholars Program
McLeod Scholars are a special group of scholars whose exceptional character, commitment to service, and intellectual curiosity embodies the spirit of Dean James E. McLeod.

How to apply
All students who apply to any undergraduate division of WashU may apply for any of the three WashU Signature Scholars Programs. Scholars will be selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, dedication to service and commitment to community, as well as how well each applicant embodies the unique values represented by each program’s namesake.
Refer a student
Do you know a high school student (grades 9-12) who might be interested in applying to a WashU signature scholarship program? Add them to the undergraduate admissions mailing list using the form below.

Scholars Programs FAQs
Answers to Scholars Program questions ranging from eligibility requirements to the application process and beyond.
OSP news
Our scholars are engaged in upholding the pillars upon which our programs are based within the OSP, out in the broader WashU community and beyond. Keep up to date with scholar accomplishments and office updates in the Office of Scholar Programs Newsfeed.