The Danforth Scholar Program is for students who have demonstrated leadership in service and a strong commitment to community.
Danforth Scholars are known for their:
- Leadership in service
- Intellectual and creative accuity
- Commitment to diversity
- Kindness
The Danforth Scholars Program offers annually renewable:
- Full-tuition scholarship with $2,500 stipend
- Half-tuition scholarship
Dr. William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth

The Danforth Program is named in honor of William H. and Elizabeth Gray Danforth, the chancellor and first lady of WashU from 1971 to 1995, this program pays tribute to this couple’s exemplary leadership and service.
The Four Danforth Pillars
We are looking for students who have demonstrated leadership in service and a strong commitment to community. Danforth Scholars are also known for their leadership in service, intellectual and creative acuity, and a commitment to diversity and kindness.
Leadership in service
Danforth Scholars are committed, dedicated leaders with a passion for service. They actively invest in our community of scholars, hone their leadership skills and eventually assume the mantle of leadership in the larger community of WashU and beyond.
Intellectual and creative acuity
Danforth Scholars are lifelong learners. They not only excel academically but think creatively and perceptively. They are profoundly curious, expansive and lead with a multi-perspective approach. Danforth Scholars enjoy and invite an ever-broadening and deepening understanding of the world, and the science and art of living.
Our community is enriched by the diversity of our scholars. We welcome international students and students with diverse backgrounds. We embrace multiculturalism, honor difference and benefit from the free and open expression of convergent and divergent points of view.
The strength of our community abides in our empathic and caring way of being with each other. This ethic of kindness pervades and informs all that we do, engendering safety and trust within our community. Kindness and grace shape a respectful and welcoming space in which Danforth Scholars enjoy a sense of belonging, are inspired to give effort to our program, and work for the greater good.
Scholarship eligibility
Students who apply to any undergraduate program at WashU may apply for the Danforth Scholars Program. Finalists will be notified by the end of February and invited to a virtual interview. Finalists must attend the interview to remain eligible.
In order to be considered for the Danforth scholarship, students must complete an application for admission to WashU and a separate Danforth Scholars Application. We are looking for students who have demonstrated not only outstanding academic performance, but also involvement in activities that illustrate exceptional commitment to community service, high moral character and similar qualities that exemplify the Danforths’ legacy here.
The Danforth Scholars Committee will review applications and invite selected finalists to participate in a series of virtual events to be held in early spring. To be considered for the scholarship, finalists must make themselves available for an interview in March.