All students who apply to any undergraduate division of WashU may apply for any of the three WashU Signature Scholars Programs.

Scholars will be selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, dedication to service, and commitment to community and diversity, as well as how well each applicant embodies the unique values represented by each program’s namesake. Applicants may complete applications for multiple signature scholar programs, as well as other programs and scholarships that match their interests. 

Scholar program benefits

  • Full-tuition scholarships with $2,500 stipend OR half-tuition scholarships
    • Renewed each year for the duration of the degree program
  • Access to diverse educational atmosphere and close-knit community of peers
  • Academic support and advising from Scholar Program Directors


Submit an application for admission to a WashU undergraduate degree program for the incoming first-year class.

Check that you are applying for the specific scholar program for which you plan to apply on your Common Application or Coalition Application.

Complete the essay requirements as outlined—There is one (1) essays for each program.

  • Common Applications: you can find the essay prompt in the Writing Supplementation section.
  • Coalition Applications: you will apply through the WashU Pathway after you’ve submitted both your profile and the Washington University-specific questions.

Submit letters of recommendation

  • Counselor recommendation (required for admission to WashU)
  • Teacher evaluation (required for admission to WashU)
  • A third letter of recommendation may be submitted by someone in your life who can speak to your contributions and commitment to the community (recommended by scholars program selection committee)

Finalists will be notified by the end of February.