The Annika Rodriguez Scholars program recognizes students of exceptional merit who demonstrate academic and leadership achievements, as well as the passion for community service exemplified by Annika Rodriguez.

In keeping with the legacy of the program, applicants should demonstrate their commitment to, or a history of, bringing diverse groups together and celebrating the cultures of different people.

Rodgriguez Scholars are known for their:

  • Academic excellence
  • Leadership
  • Service to the community
  • Bringing diverse cultures together

The Rodriguez Scholars Program offers annually renewable:

  • Full-tuition scholarship with $2,500 stipend
  • Half-tuition scholarship

The Four Rodriguez Pillars

Academic excellence

Rodriguez Scholars must maintain high academic achievement throughout their college careers, and maintain steady progress toward degree completion and graduation. 

As undergraduates, they earn prestigious, fulfilling internships including Mellon Mayes Fellowships; research positions with the Washington University School of Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the National Institutes of Health; and positions with the American Civil Liberties Union, the Brookings Institute and Google. Being a part of the Rodriguez Scholars program means connecting to a network of outstanding individuals who open doors and inspire each other to greater success.


WashU has more than 300 student groups, spanning cultural, academic, religious, performance, community service, social and athletic interests. These organizations do not just offer students an array of extracurricular activity options, but they tap Rodriguez Scholars’ leadership potential. Scholars have held leadership positions with such groups as Relay For Life, Association of Latin American Students and the Emergency Support Team. Rodriguez Scholars have also had leading roles in Student Union and varsity athletics. They have even served as student representatives to the Washington University Board of Trustees.

Service to the community

Civic involvement and community service were important aspects of Annika’s life, and her passions live through this program. Rodriguez Scholars provide important volunteer support to organizations working to address social problems including the Latino Youth Mentoring Program and Casa de Salud, a community health clinic.

The university’s student-run campus groups (including Alpha Phi Omega, the national coed service fraternity of which Annika was a member) support service opportunities.

Bringing diverse cultures together

Rodriguez Scholars embrace and celebrate the diversity and expansiveness of our program. The Rodriguez Community includes scholars from a wide range of lived experience; from racial and ethnic identity, to gender identity and sexuality, socioeconomic status, and religious beliefs. Our scholars honor and respect others with different experiences, and cultivate a community culture that uplifts all of the Rodriguez Community.

Scholarship eligibility

Students who apply to any undergraduate program at WashU may apply for the Rodriguez Scholars Program. Finalists will be notified by the end of February and invited to a virtual interview. Finalists must attend the interview to remain eligible.


The Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program recognizes students of exceptional merit who demonstrate academic and leadership achievements, as well as the passion for community service exemplified by Annika Rodriguez. In keeping with the legacy of the program, applicants should demonstrate their commitment to, or a history of, bringing diverse groups together and celebrating the cultures of different people.

In order to be considered for the Rodriguez scholarship, students must complete an application for admission to Washington University in St. Louis and a separate Rodriguez Scholars Application. Students who apply to any undergraduate division of Washington University may apply for the Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program. Finalists will be notified by the end of February and invited to a virtual interview. Finalists must attend the interview to remain eligible.

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